BBEC merupakan singkatan dari Basic.Buyung Englis Cource. adalah kegiatan kursus bahasa ingrris tingkat dasar yang telah berdiri sejak tahun 1990.BBEC stands Basic.Buyung English cource. is the activity of basic-level language courses english which has stood since 1990.
BBEC originally from youth social activities. later developed into a learning group activities go on until now, from the stand BBEC has graduated three batches, for 2008 this is the third force that consists of 9 classes of students over 112 people, in two regions of the territory Sukatani Tapos District and Region waterfall, District Cimanggis
BBEC standing on the basis of considering the concerns of the Indonesian people left behind by other countries in xomunication in English and the number of students who can not afford and orphans to take a formal course Colege because the cost factor is quite high, hence BBEC tried to form a study group of the starting base level until high school,
Thanks to the support of parents of students and my goverment who graduated alhamdulillah quite encouraging. It is seen from the results of tests in school is quite good,
About the program BBEC using 25 hours of all existing modules, then added extra activities such as study tours, sports events, quiz and also face to face with a stranger directly. in May 2010 to commemorate the day yesterday in the National Education. We invite guests from french MR Antoine and Miss Veronoca, also on February 11, 2011 months ago we met with MR.Axel and MR.Wolter from Germany, from programs that students can practice their expected directly with the foreigners with open joint parents and community leaders and BBEC also sign the agrement to study via in FB with Mr.Axel And Mr.Wolter good luck.
BBEC also raise with a new partner from Brazil hopefully in the future could help social activities but this high value, such as the steps we as coordinator contact Miss Caroline, Miss.Gabriela, Miss.Adara Marques, Miss Marisa, miss Neyanny also Miss Agizia Monteiro and from all contac just Miss Agizia Monteiro that there seems to be good intentions to help us hopefully can help
This is the short contact me to brazil person
BBEC originally from youth social activities. later developed into a learning group activities go on until now, from the stand BBEC has graduated three batches, for 2008 this is the third force that consists of 9 classes of students over 112 people, in two regions of the territory Sukatani Tapos District and Region waterfall, District Cimanggis
BBEC standing on the basis of considering the concerns of the Indonesian people left behind by other countries in xomunication in English and the number of students who can not afford and orphans to take a formal course Colege because the cost factor is quite high, hence BBEC tried to form a study group of the starting base level until high school,
Thanks to the support of parents of students and my goverment who graduated alhamdulillah quite encouraging. It is seen from the results of tests in school is quite good,
About the program BBEC using 25 hours of all existing modules, then added extra activities such as study tours, sports events, quiz and also face to face with a stranger directly. in May 2010 to commemorate the day yesterday in the National Education. We invite guests from french MR Antoine and Miss Veronoca, also on February 11, 2011 months ago we met with MR.Axel and MR.Wolter from Germany, from programs that students can practice their expected directly with the foreigners with open joint parents and community leaders and BBEC also sign the agrement to study via in FB with Mr.Axel And Mr.Wolter good luck.
BBEC also raise with a new partner from Brazil hopefully in the future could help social activities but this high value, such as the steps we as coordinator contact Miss Caroline, Miss.Gabriela, Miss.Adara Marques, Miss Marisa, miss Neyanny also Miss Agizia Monteiro and from all contac just Miss Agizia Monteiro that there seems to be good intentions to help us hopefully can help
This is the short contact me to brazil person
Suharno Buyung 20 Februari jam 22:27
dont you mind, if i ask you to be my partner in the develop of my english group in jakarta,via net
OK, but how is this development? how can I help?
BBEC awalnya dari kegiatan sosial karang taruna. kemudian berkembang menjadi kegiatan kelompok belajar yang barlanjut sampai sekarang, dari sejak berdiri BBEC telah meluluskan 3 angkatan , untuk tahun 2008 ini merupakan angkatan ke III yang terdiri dari 9 kelas dari total siswa 112 orang lebih, di dua wilayah yaitu wilayah Sukatani Kecamatan Tapos dan Wilayah Curug,Kecamatan Cimanggis
BBEC berdiri atas dasar mengingat keprihatinan rakyat indonesia ketinggalan jauh dengan negara lain dan banyaknya para siswa yang tidak mampu serta yatim piatu untuk mengambil kursus secara formal dilembaga kursus karena faktor biaya yang cukup tinggi, dari situlah BBEC mencoba membentuk sebuah group belajar dari mulai tingkat dasar sampai Sekolah menengah atas,
Berkat dukungan orang tua murid alhamdulillah siswa yang lulus cukup menggembirakan. hal ini terlihat dari hasil ulangan disekolah yang cukup bagus,
Mengenai program BBEC menggunakan metode 25 jam dari seluruh modul yang ada, kemudian di tambah kegiatan ekstra seperti study tour, even olah raga, cerdas cermat dan juga tatap muka dengan orang asing langsung. pada May 2010 kemarin dalam memperingati hari pendidikan Nasional. kita mengundang tamu dari prancis MR Antoine dan Miss Veronoca , juga pada tanggal 11 Februari 2011 bulan yang lalu kita mengadakan tatap muka dengan MR.Axel dan MR.Wolter dari german, dari program itulah diharapkan siswa bisa berpraktek langsung dengan para orang asing dengan terbuka bersama orang tua murid dan tokoh masyarakat, dan juga penanda tanganan kerja sama belajar via net dengan Mr Axel dan Mr Wolter semoga berhasil.
BBEC juga menggalang dengan Partner yang baru dari Brazil semoga kedepan bisa membantu kegiatan sosial namun bernilai tinggi ini, seperti langkah kami selaku koordinator menghubungi Miss Caroline,Miss.Gabriela, Miss.Adara Marques, Miss Marisa, miss Neyanny juga Miss Agizeia Monteirodan dari semua contac baru Miss Agieze yang sepertinya ada niatan baik untuk membantu kita semoga bisa membantu
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